Friday, December 16, 2011

Changes Coming to Busy Intersection in Venice

Changes Coming to Busy Intersection in Venice

Changes are afoot at the intersection of Lincoln and Venice boulevards. We've got the details below.

Longtime Florist on Lincoln/Venice becomes Deus Ex Machina

A new custom bike, surf and skate shop, Deus Ex Machina, is moving into the former Florist Artist space on the northeast corner of Lincoln and Venice. The managers of this specialty shop, pronounced "DAYus", have been tight-lipped about their plans since buying the property one year ago.

Deus Ex Machina started out as a custom motorcycle shop, then expanded to include custom-made surf boards, fixed gear bicycles, skateboards and a clothing line. Newly named U.S motorcycle design director, Michael Woolaway, will be building bikes right on the property.

The building will also house a coffee shop with a drive-thru, which customer service manager Stefan Wigand said is part of the culture Deus wants to propagate.

Wigand said there is a symmetry between the inherent philosophies of Venice and the core culture at Deus.

"We looked into Orange County, but Venice is where the advent of this core culture began," Wigand said. "We just like building beautiful objects and not for show. It's just what we do."

This flagship Venice location will be the first shop in the United States and one of five worldwide. The others are located in Australia, New Zealand and Bali.

Deus will also hold monthly events, such as film screenings and bike swaps. The company wants to propagate a culture and that's where the coffee shop comes in, Wigand said.

"We want people to come and hang out here," he said.. "Just come and have fun."

Deus Ex Machine's Emporium of Postmodern Activities, as the new store will be called, is on track to open early next year. To check out more about their custom work and clothing line, visit their Web site.

A graphic rendering of the new shop is shown on their website here.

Deus Ex Machina

1001 Venice Boulvard

Venice, CA 90291

Old Marina Car Wash becomes new Beach Cities Car Wash

Just across the street from Deus on the northwest corner of Lincoln and Venice, sits the long-closed and embattled Marina Car Wash. New owner and car wash entrepreneur Steve Spunt aims to give the place a much needed face lift and transform it into Beach Cities Car Wash.

After a $6.6 million lawsuit by state prosecutors over labor laws, the Marina Car Wash property was entrusted back to the land owner and then sold to Orange County resident Spunt.

Spunt has been making some improvements to the exterior of the property, as well as reviving the interior with all new decor. He said it will no longer be a hand wash, but will be more efficiently machine operated.

"It's safer, faster and does a better wash," Spunt said.

Prices will remain the same and a less expensive exterior-only wash for $7 or $8 also will be offered, Spunt said.

Spunt has met with representatives of the United Steel Workers Union (675), in light of recent events that prompted car wash employees on the Westside to unionize. Spunt said he has invited the union to send him applicants to interview and their presence won't change the way he operates.

"I've always followed California labor laws," Spunt said.

He said that he's aiminng to invite former workers at Marina Car Wash to work for Beach Cities Car Wash.

The new Beach Cities Car Wash is set to open in January 2012.

Marina Car Wash

2305 Lincoln Boulevard

Venice, CA 90291

Old Venice Hostel to become new commercial/production space rental

Reconstruction has just started on the old Venice Beach Hostel, located just north of the old Marina Car Wash at 2221 Lincoln Boulevard.

The newly designed 10,000-square-foot building will have the largest commercial space available in Venice, according to property managers Linda and David Thind from Coldwell Banker.

The space will feature an interiour courtyard, a Zen garden, elevator service and hardwood and concrete floors, making it ideal for production, the property managers said. Thirty-four parking spaces also will be offered.

The space has been available for leasing at $3.50 a square foot per month. The previous owners of the Venice Hostel still own the property.

Interested parties should contact David and Jennifer Thind at (310) 442-1625.

New Commercial Space

2221 Lincoln Boulevard

Venice, CA 90291

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