Wednesday, October 16, 2013

This Is How Cats See the World

Cats’ visual fields are broader than ours, spanning roughly 200 degrees instead of 180 degrees, and their visual acuity isn’t as good. So, the things humans can sharply resolve at distances of 100-200 feet look blurry to cats, which can see these objects at distances of up to 20 feet.

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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

How Homestar Runner changed web series for the better

What about something like "Husbands" or "The Guild," which both began as bite-sized chunks of content, then gradually morphed into something more TV-like but still very much uniquely of their medium? They occupy a poorly defined middle ground between “TV” and “web video,” and there are few—if any—attempts to approach them as something other than TV’s weird younger sibling. Web series seem to start out as some very low-budget collection of tiny morsels of content, and then gradually expand as budgets and ambitions grow. In some ways, it looks like what an independent TV scene could theoretically be. In other ways, it’s nothing like television.

So much of this understanding of web video was already present in the works of, the first online provider of TV-like content to see significant crossover success.

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Monday, October 14, 2013

Pumpkin Carving Tools to Get Your Gourd Glowing

Warren Cutlery’s Pro Pumpkin Kit comes with one five-inch long walnut handle and six different serrated blades. Simply pop a blade into the handle, wrench it in tightly, and you’ve got a serious carving tool that won’t bend or shear, unlike its plastic, half-tang, semi-disposable cousins that seem to always come in orange. You even have the option of a smaller blade, for tiny tooth detailing, and larger blades, for more structural work.

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