Saturday, November 26, 2011
Scientists Study Carcass of Pregnant Fin Whale That Washed Ashore in San Diego
Scientists Study Carcass of Pregnant Fin Whale That Washed Ashore in San Diego
Last week, a pregnant fin whale washed ashore in San Diego. Scientists are using the whale's death as an opportunity to study how a dead whale affects the ecosystem of the ocean floor. [ more › ]Friday, November 25, 2011
5 Misadventures in Bargain Shopping
Black Friday: 5 Misadventures in Bargain Shopping
Jethro NededogFrom the use of pepper spray, stabbings, to online petitions, the day of deals can bring out the crazy in people.
'Dark Knight Rises' Star Tom Hardy 'Intimidated' by Christian Bale's Batman
Michael O'Connell
"There’s a three-year-old in me that’s going, ‘Oh my God that’s Batman,'" says Hardy. "That’s Batman and he’s going to hit me! But I love Batman!"
Lady Gaga Reveals She Posed Nude for Tony Bennett
THR Staff
The sketches will be published in an upcoming issue of Vanity Fair.
Grilled Cheese Truck Vs. Coolhaus Truck
When it comes to two of the the most popular food trucks in Los Angeles--and maybe even the nation--The Grilled Cheese Truck and the Coolhaus Truck, if they went head to head in a comparison test like what cars are put through, who would serve up a tasty win? [ more › ]
Wish List: 50 Things We Want
It's the time for giving and, even better, the time for receiving. Here are 50 objects of desire we're hoping to get this holiday season.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Process: How Tubes of Tofu Become Tofurky
Wired gets a private tour of Turtle Island's wind-powered factory, where it cranks out a hero of the vegetarian holiday meal‐Tofurky Roast.
Study Finds Link Between Red Wine, Letting Mother Know What You Really Think
CHICAGO—Subjects who drank five glasses or more showed an increased ability to recall each time their mothers had been unsupportive of boyfriends or husbands.
Tim Burton Balloon Debuts at Macy's Thanksgiving Parade
Sofia M. Fernandez
Mary J. Blige, Cee Lo Green, Neil Diamond and the Muppets also took part in the annual event.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
20 Hollywood Stunts Gone Wrong
Lights, Camera, Accident! 20 Hollywood Stunts Gone Wrong
Sophie Schillaci , Lauren Shutte, Philiana Ng , Michael O'ConnellActors, stuntmen and innocent bystanders have fallen prey to on-set mishaps for as long as Hollywood has been in business. Some walk away with bumps and bruises, while others have tragically lost their lives for the craft. The most recent being the unfortunate death of locally hired crew member Mike Huber who was killed on the set of Paramount's "G.I. Joe" sequel in New Orleans on Nov. 22, 2011. THR recounts some of Hollywood's accidents and injuries on set.
What to Watch: A Guide to Thanksgiving-Themed Shows and Specials
What to Watch: A Guide to Thanksgiving-Themed Shows and Specials
Rebecca Ford, Paula ZulianTurkey Day will be celebrated with a special episode of Fox's "New Girl," ABC's "A Very Gaga Thanksgiving" and NBC's annual Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Landing Today at LAX: 40 Adorable Beagles!
Travelers braving the sky today may catch a glimpse of an unusual group of passengers. The Studio City-based Beagle Freedom Project has successfully rescued 40 beagles from a lab in Spain and is currently flying them to safety in Los Angeles. [ more › ]
Why do Police Officers Use Pepper Spray?
But as demonstrated by the routine spraying of Occupy Wall Street activists, culminating in the horrific assault at the University of California, Davis, pepper spray can too easily become a tool of ...
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Can an Airline Pilot Really “Make Up” Time During a Flight?
With the marked increase in air travel that accompanies Thanksgiving week, there are bound to be delays—meteorologists are already warning that wind and rain in the Northeast hub areas could pose problems. Once you finally get off the ground, there’s always the hope that the pilot will announce that he will try to make up some time. But wait—if pilots can really make a trip go faster, why don’t they always do it? Can they really shave some time off a flight when they feel like it?
Fox News Viewers Are Less Informed Than Those Watching No News, Poll Suggests
Paul Bond
A Farleigh Dickinson University poll is getting traction in the liberal blogosphere, though detractors are pointing to its flaws.
Why the Golden Globes Crawled Back to Ricky Gervais
Alex Ben Block
The comedian takes his third turn as emcee of the ceremony on Jan. 15.
'Bridesmaids' Director Paul Feig Reveals How Twitter Saved His Movie and Why Awards Matter (Q&A)
The "Freaks and Geeks" vet talks to THR about spying on the audience during opening weekend, Judd Apatow and why comedies aren't recognized as much during awards season.
Sarah Silverman Comedy Gets Pilot Order at NBC
Sarah Silverman Comedy Gets Pilot Order at NBC
Lesley Goldberg
The pickup continues NBC's aggressive strategy this development season.
Abbot Kinney Dog Circus and Parade: December 4th
The first annual Abbot Kinney dog circus and parade will be held on Sunday, December 4th during the Abbot Kinney “Winter Holiday Stroll”.
Join in (costume making for dogs and their humans!) from 11am – 2pm then parade up & down AK Blvd at 3pm! Circus Performances will be held at 2pm & 4pm at the one ring circus at Robin’s Sculpture Garden! Contact Robin at 310 709-7826 or by email to get involved!
Robin’s Sculpture Garden
1632 Abbot Kinney Blvd
Venice, 90291.
West Hollywood Bans Fur Sales, Animals Rejoice
After months of hairy debate, West Hollywood has become the first U.S. city to ban the sale of fur apparel products. City Council voted 3-1 in favor of the fur-free ordinance on Monday night. The vote was the last step in banning sales of clothing made from the skin or pelt of animals with hair, wool or fur. [ more › ]
Why the (near) death of film matters
When I was a little boy, before I even understood what film was, I used to draw pictures on strips of construction paper and run them through the slats on the saloon doors between the kitchen and the dining room—a rough simulation of the way film works. (This was the mid-’70s, when people liked to pretend they lived in the Old West. We had a player piano, too.) Given my future profession, that’s always been a cute origin story, the innocent beginnings of a lifelong obsession. But if I decide to bore my children and future grandchildren ...
Monday, November 21, 2011
His, hers and ours
His, hers and ours
Danielle Sucher put together a browser extension called Jailbreak the Patriarchy that switches gendered words (such as pronouns) on web sites you visit.
It's more thought experiment than anything, but I became fascinated with one esoteric issue:
There is a known bug with the English language itself that I'm dealing with imperfectly at the moment. See, sometimes "her" should translate to "him", and sometimes it should translate to "his".
"Her" functions as both an objective pronoun (give the book to her) and a possessive pronoun (her cat is orange).
Sucher attempts to account for this by looking at the words surrounding "her." A nearby preposition is a good indication that we're using the objective form. Here's her list of matching words:
aboard, about, above, across, after, against, along, amid, among, around, as, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but, by, concerning, considering, despite, down, during, except, excepting, excluding, following, for, from, in, inside, into, like, minus, of, off, often, on, onto, opposite, outside, over, past, per, plus, regarding, since, than, through, to, toward, towards, under, underneath, unlike, until, up, upon, versus, via, with, within, without, not, and, feel
Numbers, both digits and written out, also signal an objective pronoun.
It's the kind of thing a native speaker never notices, but ultimately becomes important when teaching the language — particularly when the learner is an algorithm, like Sucher's extension or Apple's Siri.
(link via Faruk AteÅŸ)
'Dark Knight Rises' Director Christopher Nolan Reveals New Details About the Plot, Villain Bane
THR Staff
The movie picks up eight years after "The Dark Knight" with Bruce Wayne "not in a great state," says the helmer, who has been notoriously secretive about the final film in his Batman trilogy.
How Douching Is Like Dial-Up
How Douching Is Like Dial-Up:
Douching is in decline. Back in 1985, according to the National Survey of Family Growth, 37 percent of American women aged 15-44 regularly douched. By 1995, that number had fallen to 27 percent. And in a 2006 study of women 18-44, it was less than 12 percent.
Band's Business Cards Play Tunes on Music Box
Musical duo Ritornell work with designer Katharina H?lzl to create business cards that can be read by a music box to play out different tunes.
Californians Would Save $34 Million This Thanksgiving If We All Drove Clean Rides
Environment California released "Gobbling Less Gas for Thanksgiving: How Clean Car Standards Will Cut Oil Use and Save Americans Money" today, a report that says Californians would save roughly $34 million at the gas pump this Thanksgiving alone plus significantly slash oil use if travelers took to the streets with fuel efficient vehicles. [ more › ]
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Feline Figures: An Estimated 12,000 Feral Cats Roam the Los Angeles ZIP Code 90037
Feline Figures: An Estimated 12,000 Feral Cats Roam the Los Angeles ZIP Code 90037
Try to wrap your brain around these numbers: it is estimated that 12,000 feral cats are roaming the streets of the ZIP code 90037 — a two-square mile of South Los Angeles that's roughly centered on Vermont Avenue and Vernon Avenue. [ more › ]Headlines That People Love
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